First, mentors and mentees will enroll by signing up on the Bahujan Scholarss platform, and we will select a suitable mentor for a mentee. We will match a mentor and mentee and introduce them in an online orientation session. Then, the mentor and mentee can communicate as per their availability, and the mentor will start mentoring to assist the mentee. Bahujan Scholarss will monthly collect a short (2 - 3 minutes) feedback from mentors and mentees to evaluate the mentoring process.
No. Mentoring and resources on the Bahujan Scholarss platform are free.
You will need to sign up to access resources and participate in online events. Your information will help us to understand the needs of different types of participants/learners and will help us improve the Bahujan Scholarss platform.
No. We do not offer any kind of financial support to mentees. We encourage mentors and mentees to avoid any kind of financial transactions. Bahujan Scholarss is not responsible for any financial issue between a mentor and mentee.
No. Bahujan Scholarss is created specifically to support and mentor youth from the excluded communities within India. Mentors can be from anywhere in the world
If you have any issue or problem with your mentor/mentee, please communicate with us as soon as possible, so we can take appropriate action to resolve it.
There is no mandatory time frame for your association with the Bahujan Scholarss Mentoring program; Mentors and Mentees may withdraw at any time. We expect your notification email to update our system.
NNo. We expect a minimum of one talk/communication with your mentor/mentee as per your mutual availability. We recommend regular communication, 30 minutes - 1 hours per week, between mentor and mentee fosters their relationship, trust, enhances mentoring outcomes, and it will help us in keeping track of mentee’s progress.
We will work to find a suitable mentor to match your needs, but how long this takes will depend on availability of mentors. Our goal is to offer a suitable mentor to each mentee to match their needs and preferences (e.g., social characters, gender, region, academic, and professional background).
Yes. You can join Bahujan Scholarss as a mentor and mentee; explain in the sign-up form that you prefer a specific mentor/mentee because of your existing association with a mentor/mentee. Your association with Bahujan Scholarss will offer you a range of resources, support and benefits of our international network. It will also help us to understand how to institutionalize a mentoring process in different settings and to enrich our database to facilitate specific learning resources for the mentees.
Yes. A mentee can be a mentor at the same time. For a mentor’s role, your profile should be comprehensive to meet the needs of a mentee.
In the Indian context, disadvantaged communities can be defined as social groups who have been historically excluded from educational and economic rights and opportunities and are still being excluded in explicit and implicit forms. Bahujan Scholarss endorses a spirit of social justice; therefore, the term disadvantaged community can be interpreted with an inclusive approach.